Dear all,
Our judo family members' health is my primary concern and although I believe that all of us are maintaining good hygiene and precautions, I cannot disregard the experts' advice.
Being mindful of the ACT’s Health and the State’s sport organisations advise, it is basically impossible to continuing with our Judo lessons and the teachings which requires close contact by the judo practitioners.
The judo sessions have being stopped since the 19th March 2020 for the remaining of school term 1 2020. With 2 weeks of holidays and hopefully with some good development in the fight against the virus, we could return to normal judo classes with the beginning of school term 2 (27 April 2020).
Members of the club will receive ongoing communication during this period advising of the progress and news from the Judo State and National body, along with information from the State Government.
Thank you for your understanding during these difficult times. Stay safe.
In the spirit of Judo
Stephanos Georgiadis